Dan Hertlein's AIDS/LifeCycle 2024

Day 2 - Santa Cruz to King City

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- The Strava feed of the ride on Day 2

- The elevation chart


Click here to see a video on ride out of camp      Don't forget to come back to this page!


- Yeah, it's Day 2, we get it

- The toughest hill to climb of the day in Aptos. Above 10% for a couple of blocks. Doable but not welcomed...

- Finally around mile 15, we're out of the Santa Cruz area and into the AG! Strawberry's!


Click here to see a video of the strawberry fields


- My usual nature break stop for the last 25 years at around mile 21

- Moss Landing in the distance

- Closer yet to Moss Landing. The PG&E Power Plant is a landmark.

- An official rest stop, the Artichoke Stop.


Click here to see a video of what I got at the Artichoke Stop


- and yes, I did!

- my ride

- Lunch in Salinas at mile 42. This is a Pano shot

- Since Kathryn and I rode the ride three times on our tandem, I had a chat with one of the two tandems on the ride. It turns out, Kathryn knows them both.

- Rest Stop 3 at mile 60ish in Gonzales. The Cookie Lady was there who's been cooking cookies for the ride for as long as I can remember. Delicious!


Click here to see a video of my at mile 87 with tremendous tailwinds


- My friends Mickye and Ron at the Otter Stop (officially known as the Water Stop at around mile 90). I've known them many years...

- Uh, the Otter stop

- Former co-worker at a certain government agency that I won't name, fellow musician, fellow former ALC rider and good friend Bob, playing for the riders on the road all week.

- Rest Stop 4 at mile 97. Only 12 miles to go to camp! All tailwind and very, very bad roads.


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