Pics and ride profile of Central Coast Double Century
Saturday 5/14/05 211 miles 13322' of Elevation Gain
This ride is a classic. It's also one big pain in the ass! This was the second time I conquered the sucker. It starts in downtown Paso Robles at 5:40 AM and heads out to the coast which takes every steep hill it can. Not that I'm complaining. I should have taken a picture showing the beautiful trees with moss hanging from them but I was too concerned just completing the thing without killing myself.
It turned out to be a glorious day with temps in the 50's at roll out and going up to the 90's when we assaulted the infamous Nacimiento-Ferguson climb at mile 87. I finished at 11:55 PM, proudly not the last be pretty close to it. Again, my goal was to finish the sucker. By the way, while I was eating my post ride meal of Thai food (it was fantastic), there were a couple of people who had completed the Furnace Creek 508 ultra endurance race eating with us that late hour. That made me feel a little better! Actually, I felt strong at the finish.
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Ride profile downloaded from my bike computer (CicloMaster CM436M)
Doug Goodwin in the morning in Paso Robles before the ride
Steve Berry from Diablo Cyclists. Jack Klebanoff was there. He finished before
Rest Stop 1 at the top of the Santa Rosa Creek Road at mile 30. 19%! This would
be the steepest climb of the day. On the way down however, there is a section
that clocked in at 37%. Not only is this un-rideable (new word) if coming up it,
the road conditions were terrible.
Doug at the Ragged Point Rest Stop 2 at mile 68.
Me and God knows who. I think her name was Sue. Very nice fellow cyclist.
On the way north towards Big Sur at mile 75. Beautiful. No wind to speak of
which meant Nacimiento-Ferguson climb would be hot! It was.
Rest Stop 3, right before we climb "the nasty". Me, Doug, and
Dude (don't know his name).
Look closely at the middle of the picture. That is Rest Stop 3 where we started
the Nacimiento-Ferguson climb at mile 87.
Another beautiful shot of the Nacimiento-Ferguson climb. What we lovingly call
the Nasty-Mento climb.
Doug coming up behind me. Of course, I'm standing taking the picture meaning I
was in front. Right back at cha Dougie!
Then there goes Doug ahead of me. It was too hot for me to chase. I just wanted
this nasty thing to be done with!
Sunset on top of the Interlake road near Lake Nacimiento. Not to be confused
with the Nasty on the coast. This spot was at mile 169.